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BMO SmartFolio Review in Canada

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The introduction of robo-advisors has revolutionised investing, and an increasing number of these platforms are offering rookie and seasoned investors a far more cheap and practical option to invest their money.

Although there are several robo-advisors available, BMO is the first of Canada’s five major banks to provide a virtual platform for clients and those looking to increase their wealth without having to pay the excessive commissions charged by the conventional investment broker.

Since its launch in 2016, other major banks have imitated BMO’s online investment programme, BMO SmartFolio. BMO SmartFolio is another robo-advisor that can offer you expert portfolio management at reasonable fees.

To assist you to decide if this digital investment platform is suitable for you, let’s take a deeper look at it.

How Does BMO SmartFolio Work?

Although the name “robo-advisor” could give the impression that you only ever interact with machines and algorithms, that isn’t always the case. The majority of your interactions with your assets will take place online, and you will manage your portfolio largely passively. This is made possible in large part by algorithms that assist you to assess whether your investments are making you money or not. But that doesn’t give the whole story.

Your account would actually be managed by a group of human portfolio managers and financial analysts with BMO SmartFolio, as with other robo-advisors, who decide what should be included in your investment portfolio and when adjustments are necessary. More specifically, BMO Nesbitt Burns manages accounts, and BMO Global Asset Management mostly uses ETFs to build portfolios. By giving you exposure to different industries, ETFs give you a chance to diversify your investment portfolio. They also position your portfolio effectively by taking into account market trends and economic data.

Each ETF is meticulously scrutinised to ensure that it is a good fit for your portfolio. To increase your chances of achieving the highest return with the level of risk you are comfortable with, algorithms are employed to balance the portfolio’s risk and return.

You’ll be questioned briefly about your financial objectives and risk tolerance before you begin investing. The portfolio managers will be able to create a portfolio that best suits your situation with the help of the answers you offer. You have the option to either set up recurring donations over time or invest a big sum of money all at once.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can always chat with an investment advisor. BMO also provides additional online investment options, such as its InvestorLine Self-Directed service, which enables customers to manage their own investments with the help of qualified financial advisors.

Important Qualities To Think About Before Working With BMO SmartFolio

Before making an investment with this platform, you might want to look into some of the benefits offered by BMO SmartFolio:

Management of Professional Portfolios

A group of financial and investment professionals will construct your investment portfolio.

Monitoring of the Portfolio 24/7

This investing is not referred to as “passive” for nothing. Without your involvement, your portfolio will be managed and tracked around the clock.


The BMO SmartFolio team will return your investment portfolio’s asset classes to the optimal balance if any of them shift too much. Any adjustments will nudge it back in the proper direction.

Simple Communications

You can easily contact a professional by phone, email, or live chat if you ever have any questions or concerns.

Continual Account Access

To see what you’re paying and how much you’re making, check your holdings anytime, day or night, online.

Low Cost

Investing with BMO SmartFolio is less expensive than using a conventional investment broker, and portfolio managers don’t be paid a commission on trades.

Using Group Accounts To Lower Prices

To reduce the cost, accounts might be aggregated by household.

Low Investment Minimum Threshold

The minimum investment amount required to create a BMO SmartFolio account is $1,000.

Multiple Account Types Are Available

These consist of joint accounts, non-registered accounts, RRSPs, RESPs, RRIFs, TFSAs, and RRIFs.

Simple User Interface

The BMO SmartFolio platform is easy to use and navigate and is clean and clear.

Goal Monitoring

The platform’s goal-tracking feature is simple to use and allows you to see how close you are to reaching your objective right away.

How Personalized Are The Investment Portfolios?

When you invest with BMO Smartfolio, a group of financial and investment professionals will work with you to create a highly customised portfolio based on your unique financial status, goals, and risk tolerance. The portfolio developed will take into account an analysis of your present financial state, a forecast of your future financial condition, and an evaluation of your cash flow and net worth. It will precisely reflect your financial goals.

All of this is completed after you provide thoughtful answers to a few key questions that will help your advisors understand your needs and present circumstances. BMO SmartFolio provides a wide range of portfolio alternatives, allowing you to select a customised path that will reflect your precise goals without going overboard in terms of risk. You will always receive individualised assistance from professional financial advisors, regardless of the investment strategy you decide to use.

Which Benefits Come with BMO SmartFolio?

Investing with BMO Smartfolio offers a number of advantages.


Being the oldest bank in Canada, BMO has established a reputation for reliability, especially when it comes to investing your hard-earned money.

Refer-A-Friend Initiative

Every member of your family or friend who registers for an account with BMO SmartFolio using your referral link is eligible for incentives.

Low Minimum Balance

With as little as $1,000, you may begin investing.

Affordable Prices

Competitive fees are possible because of the tiered price structure and the option to combine family accounts.

BMO Transfer Fees

The transfer fees that your bank might charge you to switch will be covered by SmartFolio.

Synchronise your online banking with your portfolio

Customers of BMO currently have the option to link their online banking accounts and investment portfolios.

No fees for withdrawal

To withdraw your money, there are no fees.

Should You Work With a Human Advisor or Use BMO SmartFolio?

With the help of a seasoned financial advisor or investment broker, investors have long had the option to invest their money. Although this strategy offers personalised attention, access to investment vehicles, and direct in-person interaction, it comes at a cost. While incredibly beneficial, working with a human advisor is not the most economical way to invest.

Investors have the opportunity to dramatically lower their fees with robo-advisors like BMO SmartFolio, keeping more money in their own pockets while still benefiting from professionals monitoring their portfolios in the background. Additionally, one benefit of investing online that you won’t get through traditional methods is the simplicity of doing everything online. Additionally, BMO SmartFolio gives you the best of both worlds by managing your portfolio with actual human advisors while yet charging reasonable costs through an online gateway.

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